Duct Tape, Bailing Twine and Prayers

You know those people that look like they have it all together, their hair is always done, their outfit is on point, makeup flawless? I love those people, people that honestly don’t look like they just walked in from a windstorm or in my case feeding 500 animals.

I am not that person. I am more apt to be seen in jeans, boots and a sweatshirt or if you happen to see me dressed nice you’ll most likely find me barefoot with my hair in a clip about an hour into the day.

I try y’all, somedays I really do. I do my makeup, I curl my hair, I have Pinterest boards filled with how I want to look and I may succeed, for a moment. The truth is though, that I don’t truly feel like myself, I feel like I’m trying to be someone else and I don’t feel comfortable. If there’s one thing I’ve finally learned in my 50 years it’s that I want to be comfortable, not just in my clothing choices but in my own skin, in my mind.

The other day I dressed up, well for me I was dressed up, my best jeans, a nice sweater, my nicest boots (you know the ones not covered in cow and chicken sh*t), hair fixed, makeup done and my favorite jewelry. I felt good about myself, I felt pretty and honestly I felt confident (the thing I want to feel most now). 

Here’s the thing though, looks can be deceiving, I may have looked all put together but the honest truth was there was duct tape holding my glasses together. Yup, my life is literally being held together with duct tape, bailing twine and prayers, no lie y’all, that’s how I’m living.

That’s what I need to remember and what I want you to as well as we are smack dab in the middle of the longest month (why is that?) and as we start the year 2024 (that sounds so weird). When we’re scrolling social media or sitting in a meeting or at dinner or whatever and we see that person that looks like they have it all together. The hair, the clothes, the car, the person standing beside them, the kids, whatever it is that you’re looking at and coveting. Just remember, looks can be deceiving and all is not always as it seems.

That person that looks put together with the faithful loving spouse and amazing kids? She probably had a meltdown because her anxiety got the better of her for no good reason, she may have fussed at her husband for forgetting to help with a minor chore that wasn’t really a big deal, she possibly annoyed her children because she gave too many opinions, her bank account might be scary and her dreams may feel like they’re never going to come true. She’s probably being held together with duct tape, bailing twine and prayer, even if her social media posts make it looks like she’s all put together.




Three Empty Rooms