One of my favorite movies to watch at Christmas time is ‘Serendipity’, a feel-good movie of a love story that happens by chance. Serendipity, chance, luck, they’re all basically the same thing; something that happens without having to truly work at it.
I believe in bad luck, I don’t walk under ladders, if a black cat crosses in front of my car I will do everything in my power to turn around and go the other way. I believe you should leave from the same door you enter through and if you spill salt, you should throw some of it over your left shoulder. It’s fine, I know I sound a little crazy but we all have our things so judge away, I’m ok with it. I also believe that people aren’t just inherently lucky, I believe that what looks like good luck is actually “the combination of hard work and dedication”. (That quote was stolen from a friend.)
We raised three extremely well-adjusted young adults and I can often times be heard saying “I don’t know how that happened” or “by a stroke of good luck” or “somehow” they turned out great; but that’s just me being self-effacing. They are far from perfect but they are really cool people that work hard, love hard, give generously, laugh easily and more often than not make good choices. They didn’t serendipitously turn out good, they made choices to turn out good. The truth is we have three really amazing children because the last 24 years Craig and I dedicated every single moment to the mentoring of these kids and those same kids chose to follow not only our guidance but more importantly God’s.
As Christians we have a choice to follow God and listen to His guidance or to walk our own path. When things work out “the way they’re supposed to” it’s not luck, that’s God’s footsteps leading us on the path He has set for us. When everything falls in line so seamlessly it can feel like serendipity but in reality, it’s God.
Does having faith in God’s wisdom and following Him mean I shouldn’t be scared of a black cat or spilling salt? Probably, but I never said I was perfect y’all.