Fighting my Enemies

In Luke 10:19 – God says that He gives us the power over our enemy, and in so doing nothing can hurt us. The exact wording says “I give you the authority to trample on serpents and scorpions and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall by any means hurt you.”

If you know me and my complete hatred of snakes then you know that I LOVE this verse. The thought of having the power to trample them and not be hurt by them is everything to me, but as I was reading this verse, I started thinking of it differently. We often think of the enemy as Satan and he is but sometimes our enemy can be what Satan throws at us. When reading that verse this morning I started thinking of the “enemies” that I allow to try and hurt me.

I promised to be completely vulnerable with this place that I don’t come to often enough and my reason for that is twofold.

  1. I have to have a place to get my thoughts out of my head or they just roll over and over and that’s not healthy.

  2. Of all the 10 of you that actually read this, if I help even one not feel completely alone in their thoughts then that makes my heart smile.

So here we go…below are just a few of my “enemies” ‘cause y’all I feel like I have a LOT!

  • fear

  • lack of trust

  • doubt

  • lack of self-confidence

  • negativity

I could go on but I don’t want to kick myself today so let’s just stop there. If I acknowledge what my enemies are then the next thing I need to do is figure out how to fight them and honestly I work really hard at that and some days are better than others. Some days I completely kick their ass and some days all of those things just wash over me like a cold wet blanket and hold me down.

What do I do to try and fight my enemies?

  1. I read a lot of books about being powerful in your own right…that’s right y’all I READ SELF-HELP BOOKS and I’m not ashamed to admit it.

  2. Non self help books? Yup…love me some good criminal minds mystery books.

  3. I journal and when I say I journal I mean I write down EVERYTHING, rather it’s something someone said that spoke to my heart, a Bible verse, a song lyric, a quote from a movie, book or tv show, or just a thought that popped in my head (good and bad – because we have to acknowledge both).

  4. Some days I turn on stupid tv shows and lose myself in insane drama that could absolutely 100% never happen in my own life (Below Deck is a current fav). It’s ok to lose ourselves like that sometimes y’all, the news, social media, ads, spam mail, work, life it can be very overwhelming and it’s nice to just pretend it doesn’t exist for an hour (or five) and watch people with too much money act like total fools.

What do I NOT do enough?

  1. PRAY!

Seriously, I may read Bible verses and journal about them and write about them but do I actually hit my knees and pray those verses? Nope. That’s just sad y’all…God wants us to cry out to Him. He wants us to call on Him in our times of joy and pain, He wants us to ask Him to help us, to heal us. He wants to know that we want to be healed and helped.

I guess I have some work to do don’t I?

If you feel confident today share with me your “enemies” and how you trample them.


Just Be


Let them Sleep