I Quit…
Kimberly Kempken Kimberly Kempken

I Quit…

I was aware of what was happening, I could feel the anxiousness creeping in. The exhaustion, the crankiness, the complete and total lack of not giving a shit. I felt it looming on the horizon;

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I Was on a Break
Kimberly Kempken Kimberly Kempken

I Was on a Break

Ten simple words strung together to hit me exactly where I needed to be hit. I sat on that email for a few hours before responding. I was ashamed and felt frustrated with myself in my lack of dedication to something I love. Finally, I responded and gave all the excuses, yet as I was typing I could hear my own negative thoughts. ‘You haven’t been writing because you’re lazy, you’re not dedicated, you’re not good enough.’ Why are we so cruel to ourselves?

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