All About Me
I love to write, it’s my therapy, my safe place. So many people say that they prefer actual face to face talking and I get that, I really do but to be honest face to face scares me y’all. I’m a hot head, I’m a reactor, I’m emotional, I’m a yeller, I’m a worrier, I’m a crier no matter the emotion. None of those things are good for face to face, so I learned early on to hide behind my written words. When I write I can calm my anger, I can think before I speak, I can edit it to make it not so harsh, I can hide my tears, I can think about if I’m saying what I mean, I can be my best me, which my family can attest to isn’t always what you get face to face.
I’ve been with the same overly patient man for more than 26 years, who supports me in literally everything my crazy mind comes up with. We have three semi-adult children, two in college and one in high school, who love me despite my faults. I have a real job with awesome hours at a local high school where I get to work with some super cool people and hang out with kids who keep me young. We raise cattle in our spare time and go to stock shows as much as humanly possible. I love coffee with every ounce of my being, and literally go to sleep thinking of my first cup in the morning and will bounce out of bed the second I hear the beep signaling it’s done. I believe music tells the story of our hearts and that there are soundtracks to life. I’ve cared for and lost a parent. I believe you can be a friend to your children while still being their parent. I love food but am not anything remotely close to a foodie. I’m not adventurous and would rather stay home versus going out almost any day. I love a good road trip but always want to end it back in my own bed at night. Y’all can keep your airplanes, a good book and my back patio is the perfect vacation for me. I try really hard to be a good friend but I don’t think I honestly am. I’m seriously goofy and I don’t really care what you think of me. I’m an over protective mama bear but not a helicopter parent (yes there’s a difference, work at a school and you’ll know). I’m up at the crack of dawn every single morning but will get seriously pissed if you try to speak to me before my coffee. I don’t believe anything good happens after midnight and that ten o’clock is late for bed. I am a christian who belongs to the Quaker church but believes that God is literally everywhere and that I can get just as much out of His words sitting at my kitchen table, or working cows as I can in my church pew. I live with anxiety and fear which pisses me off because I grew up a complete dare devil. I sometimes cuss too much even though I know it doesn’t sound nice. I overly use the word Y’ALL and will not even think about apologizing for it. I believe that a bubble bath will cure almost anything and that if you don’t feel good you probably need to drink water.
So that’s me in a nutshell y’all. Basically I’m just a coffee drinking, cattle raising, book loving, anxiety feeling, Faith loving, mama bear who loves to write and has been told she should share her crazy thoughts with you all. So here goes nothing.