It’s OK
To my seniors who are worried about things that some adults don’t seem to think are important. It’s ok to be angry that your senior year is being screwed up. It’s ok to be sad that you’re missing out on being a normal teenager. It’s ok to be more scared than you think maybe you should be. It’s ok to get frustrated at the adults who are making decisions for you because you’re “an adult”…but you’re also still our children.
Parenting is hard y'all. It doesn't matter what stage you're in either; from bringing them home from the hospital and trying to figure out what the heck you're supposed to be doing to toddler years where they don't listen to a dadgumn thing you say (unless it's a cuss word then they're gonna not only listen but repeat it at high volume levels at the most inopportune times).
What Happens Next
"What happens next?" The answer is "I'm not sure exactly" which is slightly terrifying to this extreme planner (who also raised an extreme planner).